October 16, 2007

Burmese Inspiration

How can such evil be perpetrated against those with noblest aspirations? How?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Self/selfish preservation, in my opinion. Junta generals don't want their cushy lifestyle to end. With much of the army being men who were taken as raised as child soldiers, there is little chance they will see sense and refuse to carry out the orders. Watching the events, the Junta played this very cleverly.

When the eyes of the world were upon them with huge focus, they (with a few exceptions) only did what most riot police would do even in the west if confronted by protests that had morphed into a goal to install a new system of rule. Tear gas, warning shots, warnings, arresting the ring leaders.

Once the cameras got bored of it all, it all kicked off and what they are doing to people now to install terror in their minds about ever challenging the junta again, I hate to think. To me, the lack of action was all to do with long term politics,not upsetting neighbouring countries,and that major spanner in the works that either starts wars that could defend people........business.

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