November 18, 2006

The Universe

For as long as I can remember, the universe has intrigued me. When I was a child, I would sit out in the garden and stare endlessly at the night sky, marvelling at the seeming infinity before me. Sometimes, I would feel lonely and insignificant. Whilst at other times, I would feel honoured and integral to the scene above.

I enjoy chasing ideas about perception and mind in relation to space. I believe that the universe, while it may seem expansive beyond imagination, is much closer than our senses dictate to us: That the sense of physical reality is only an illusion, manifested by sensory-selected stimuli required for our survival. Our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and fingers allow us to peer into a universe contrived for our prime needs. However, there is so much more that is out of range of our sense organs.

The dimensions of space, I believe, are deceptive. We can perceive its vastness through our eyes. We can perceive its separateness from ourselves through touch. But, intuitively, I am certain that our place within the universe is far more convoluted and involved. In many ways, the Aborigines may well be correct in their assertion that the universe is being dreamt into existence. As Edgar Allen Poe noted, 'All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.'

Have a look at this illuminating video:


samsarajade said...

That was completely amazing! I'm not sure if I feel like the universe is smaller or bigger in terms of my perception when I think of all those galaxys and possible planets supporting life such as ours. That NumaNuma song keeps popping up everywhere though! I've even been put on one of those videos-must make me a proper recognised member of the Youtube community ;) lol!
Youtube makes the world seem so much smaller sometimes, when you can chat and communicate with people from all over the world through there and other video messaging sights such as stickam and Skype. We're all able to see and speak to each other over completely different time zones-and this technology is moving so fast. How much longer I wonder til we start communicating outside our galexy? The only thing likely to stop us I fear is the chance we'll probably have made our own world impossible to live in before mankind can reach out far enough to actually communicate with other worlds. Mind you, both ideas, of reaching other life, and of destroying our own world, are frightening, and I expect I will not be around to see either.
Damn, you've got me on a thought fest now! I'm going to have to go to Youtube and distract myself with silly dance videos ;)
Enjoyed this Blog entry :)

samsarajade said...

By the way, did my online friend Bill contact you about the Moon project we're working on? We want to find people all around the world to take pictures of the moon, then put together a video of the moon going through it's phases from New to full and back to new again, add some music and post it on Youtube. Don't know how well it will work out, but I wondered if you would be willing to take a couple of pics for the project. If he hasn't contacted you yet, and you are prepared to help out, please let me know and I'll send you a link to the joint blog :)

Unknown said...

Glad you liked the post.

A particle can exist simultaneously at two points in the universe, according to Quantum Physics. Astounding as that may seem to our perceptual three dimensional perception of reality, there are assumed to be twelve dimensions in total; many of which remain out of human view. Things really are NOT WHAT THEY SEEM!

Thank you, Samsarajade, as always, for your continual interest in my blog.

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